Saturday, August 21, 2010

[t] weekend photo diary

1. music posters ,  found on a water tank. a logical place to advertise your sounds, i feel.
2. miami palms
3.pretty pretty kombi.
4. me.
5. the city.
6. new rings
7. shaky picture of the night.
8. me at main beach, trying ( and failing) to balance on a pole.
9.  a rather pointless picture, of  a cement wall in an underground car park.
10. roof of a rock and roll restaurant.

A collection of photos from last weekend, when I went to the gold coast. Unfortunately we left our laptops there, so I couldn't edit these photos, or even post them until today. 
We saw the most amazing car there. the kombi in picture 3, was not just a regular van, but a stretched version, making the best hippie-limo vehicle i have ever seen. It was for sale, and i would have bought it then and there had i not been 2 years from getting my licence.


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